Wednesday, July 6, 2011

40 Weeks!

So here I am at 40 weeks and 3 days. I didn't think this was going to happen again! It looks like we are going to get an induction date of July 11th if everything works out as planned. I've been walking everyday, we even went to the mall on Tuesday so I could walk in the AC. I feel like I've been averaging a few miles a day. Tonight Trey and I went to Provinos to so I could eat their Eggplant Parmesan. I ate every bit of it! Now we just sit and wait...

Noah's Nursery

This is the same rocker I used in Kinley's room. Lenny and I recovered the cushions...again.

Here are some pictures of Noah's nursery. We still have to get his bookcase set up and a take care of a few other minor details. I think it turned out great and can't wait for him to get here and use it!

Friday, July 1, 2011

39 Weeks

So I really thought we would have a baby by now. I guess I should have known better. I'm feeling okay, just uncomfortable. It's hard to get on the floor and play with Kinley and my legs and hands are starting to swell a little. I had my weekly doctors appointment today and I'm 2 cm dilated. I have made a little progression from last week. My doctor would really like me to go into labor naturally, so they set my induction date for July 11th. That way I still have 10 more days to do it on my own. I will be taking alot of long walks over the next week to see if I can get things going.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

38 Weeks..

38 weeks..only 2 weeks left! I haven't had any contractions or signs of labor yet. I go to the doctor again on Friday so I'm sure they will check to see if I have dilated any more. Emily came over yesterday and we starting hanging up the train on Noah's wall. We are going to finish up on Saturday and his nursery will be done!

I'm feeling good, just uncomfortable. I've been trying to walk everyday to move this process along. I guess he is just going to come when he wants...just like his sister :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

37 Weeks

No real changes this week. The doctor said I am measuring perfect and his heartbeat sounds strong. I don't have my next appointment until Friday (24th), I'm kinda hoping Noah is here by then. I haven't had any contractions or signs of labor so it will probably be a couple more weeks. He is moving great and gets the hiccups all the time. Usually 2 times a day! My doctor said that is just him getting ready to breathe air. We have my bag packed and are putting the car seat in this weekend. We are ready for his arrival!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

36 Weeks

Only one more week until I am full term! This pregnancy has gone by so quickly. This week at my doctors appointment we weighed, measured, listened to his heartbeat, did by strep b test, and checked for dilation. I am actually already 1.5 cm dilated. It could still be weeks until I go into labor, but at least it's a start :) I'm feeling good, but not sleeping very well. I wake up all night long whether it's to rollover, use the bathroom, or because of killer leg cramps. I guess this is just preparing me for being up at night with Noah.

His room is looking really good. Crib and changing table are up. Trey's mom was so sweet to wash all of his newborn clothes so those are ready for him too. All that's left is to get the glider cushions covered and get his stuff hung up on the wall.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

35 Weeks

I've been feeling good this week even though it's been so HOT! Over 90 degrees every day! Everything went well at my doctors appointment. His heartbeat sounds strong and he is head down. The doctor suggested we get the car seat in the car, get his crib ready, and pack my bag just in case he decides to come a little early. We will be working on all those things this weekend :) I had a couple of contractions but nothing regular enough to time. We also decided this week that we will be storing his cord blood. We have thought and prayed alot about this decision and know that it is the best thing for our family.

Our friend Lindsey took some maternity pictures for us this week. She did a great job!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

34 Weeks

It's official...I'm tired! I'm starting to really feel 8 months pregnant. He's moving all the time and really likes when Kinley talks to him :) Our friends have given him so many gifts, I don't know how he is going to wear all these clothes! This weekend I'm hoping to get his closet organizer installed so I can start organizing his goodies. We may actually get his crib up this weekend too!

Next week I start going to doctors appointments every week. Only 6 weeks left until he's here!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

33 Weeks

My doctors appointment went well this week. His heartbeat sounded strong and the doctor thinks he is head down. I'm not so sure because he had the hiccups today and I felt them more at the top of my belly. I go back on May 31st to discuss my "birth plan" Birth plan - get epidural sooner and have baby faster :)

I had a shower this weekend and it was very nice. We got tons of great stuff and I can't wait to put it all together in his room. I really appreciate all the hard work Lenny and Amy put into the shower..I had an awesome time!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

32 Weeks!

Only 8 weeks left! I found out this week that I do not have the antibodies to fight the HFM virus that Kinley had a few weeks ago. I think it okay though, since she's better and I never had any symptoms.

This was the first week of football and it went by pretty fast. It does make me a little nervous about this fall, but I know we can do it. Kinley is doing really well with potty training, I think she will be out of diapers by the time "baby boy" gets here. Still no name for him, Connor and Noah are topping the list.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

31 Weeks..

His nursery is officially painted and it looks awesome! After going over and over the paint samples and Hardy and I spending an entire lunch break at Sherwin Williams, I fell confident I chose the right colors :) I will post pictures next week after we get the new blinds and hopefully get the crib up.

I have been feeling a little tired this week and my feet are starting to swell a little at night. Other than that I'm feeling great! I can't believe I only have 9 weeks left! This pregnancy has gone by so quickly!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

30 Weeks

Kinley couldn't sit still long enough for us to take the picture this week!!

No big changes this week. Kinley had Hand, Foot, and Mouth virus this week but she is starting to feel better. Because of this the doctor had to run a blood test on me to make sure I carry the antibodies to fight the virus. He said most adults do carry the antibodies, but we tested just to make sure. We should find out in the next few days the results.

We hired a painter on Friday so the nursery will be cleared out and painted by the end of the week. I was thinking a tan or beige, but after seeing all the paint samples now I'm leaning more towards blue. I did the same thing with Kinley's nursery :) We also picked up his crib and mattress this week, so we have really made some big strides in the last week.

He is still moving all the time and the doctor said everything looked great. I'm measuring perfect and his heart beat sounded strong. My next appointment is May 16th.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

29 Weeks

29 weeks and still feeling pretty good. I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable and getting up and down is a little difficult. He is moving around all the time. We made some progress getting the guest room cleared out and the basement is officially complete! I think we will be able to get his room ready in the next couple of weeks. We are still working on his name..

We are getting excited for Easter and Glenda coming to visit. Kinley can't wait to dye and hunt Easter eggs!

28 week Sono

My 28 week sonogram went great. He weighs 2.6 lbs and his heart rate was 132 bpm. My plecenta has moved so that is no longer a concern, and we won't have to schedule a C-section at this point. If there are no other issues that will be the last time we get to see him until his arrival!

Monday, April 11, 2011

28 Weeks

This week I have a doctors appointment on Thursday to find out if my placenta has moved. I pray that it has so I won't have to have a C-section. I am excited to see the little guy again! Now if we could just figure out what to name him!!

Our drop ceiling is done now so we can start moving the guest room downstairs. Hopefully I can start clearing out the room this weekend so we can get his nursery together. Hardy picked up his bedding for me last week while we were gone. It's perfect! I know he's gonna love it.

27 Weeks

This week we went to visit trey's dad and phyllis in Ocala. We had a great time! Kinley had fun playing in the river and riding in the golf cart. We got to eat some awesome seafood. Kinley tried crab for the first time and loved it! We visited Homsassa state park and Seaworld while we were down there. Kinley liked the Hippo at Homsassa and the Walrus and Whales at Seaworld. It was a nice break from our busy schedule and a very relaxing week.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

His Bedding..

We finally decided on his bedding!! I hope to pick it up this week :)

26 Weeks!

This week has been good. We made a lot of progress in the basement this weekend. We cleared space for the guest room to move down there and started getting the playroom ready. We should have our new drop ceiling in soon! Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we can get the guest room completely cleared out and ready to paint!!

He is a very active baby and I can't wait to see him again on our ultrasound on April 12th.

Monday, March 21, 2011

25 Weeks

This week has been good. I found out I passed my gestational diabetes test, which I'm really excited about. This week we had a contractor come out to look at the basement so we can start moving forward on that project. We have to get the basement ready so we can move our guest room downstairs so we can start on the nursery. With only 15 weeks left I'm starting to get nervous the nursery wont be ready in time.

I feel him move all the time and have heartburn pretty much everyday. I guess he is going to have alot of least that's what the wives tales says :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

24 Weeks

This week I had a doctors appointment and ultrasound. The little guy looked great! He weighs 1.5 lbs and his heart rate was 155 bmp. My placenta is still low so they are going to keep watching it and hopefully it will move so I won't have to have a c-section. My doctor is going to check again in 4 weeks. Other than that I'm still feeling really good.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

23 Weeks

This week was better now that we are all feeling back to normal. The little guy was kinda quiet at the beginning of the week but has been really active this weekend.

I went to two consignment sales this week. Kim and Aliana met me at the big one at the fairgrounds. It was not nearly as good as last year but I did find some good books for Kinley. I went with Leigh Ann to Lil Lambs and we found some cute stuff for the girls.

I've been spending alot of time looking for bedding and nursery ideas. I think I will make some decisions in the next few weeks.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

22 Weeks

This week was a little rough. Trey, Kinley and I were all sick with a cold, but we are feeling better now. I was able to make it to a consignment sale with Emily and get lots of good stuff for both kids. I've also been looking for nursery ideas for the little guy, but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what I want for him. I know I need to start making some decisions, only about 4 months left :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nursery Beginnings

We are starting to think about his nursery. We went and picked some paint samples this weekend. We are thinking a blue/gray room with oak furniture. Here are some of the first samples..

21 Weeks

This week has been good, pretty uneventful. He's been moving more, especially at night. Still craving chocolate milk pretty much all day and I did steal all the pickles out of the box lunches at work today! :)

Kinley told Lenny's neighbor this week that her mommy has a baby boy in her belly...I think she may be starting to understand! She is still set on naming him boy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Ultrasound

I had my 20 week ultrasound on Valentines Day. We were able to get a 3D picture of him. He was being a little camera shy at first by staying in a little ball and putting his hands over his face. We were able to shake him up a little bit so we could get a few good shots! This week he weighed 11 oz and his heartbeat was 153 bpm. Everything looked great!
His little feet!

20 weeks - Halfway!

Wow! I can't believe we are halfway there. These past 20 weeks have flown by really fast. We did confirm this week that this little guy is in fact a boy! Whew..cause I've already started shopping! This week we bought him his first falcons shirt, I know Trey is excited to watch the games with him.

We are still thinking about his name, but haven't made any decisions yet.

19 Weeks

19 weeks..I'm still feeling good, but a little tired. It's alot harder being pregnant and keeping up with a 2 year old. I've been feeling the little man move almost everyday, which is exciting. He is always active right after lunch and right before bed. I have such a sweet tooth with him! I want chocolate milk and chocolate milkshakes everyday!!

18 Weeks

This has been such a great pregnancy. I had a little morning sickness in the first few weeks, but for the most part have felt great! This picture is 18 weeks pregnant. I feel like I am smaller than I was with Kinley, but looking back at the pictures that is not the case :)