Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nursery Beginnings

We are starting to think about his nursery. We went and picked some paint samples this weekend. We are thinking a blue/gray room with oak furniture. Here are some of the first samples..

21 Weeks

This week has been good, pretty uneventful. He's been moving more, especially at night. Still craving chocolate milk pretty much all day and I did steal all the pickles out of the box lunches at work today! :)

Kinley told Lenny's neighbor this week that her mommy has a baby boy in her belly...I think she may be starting to understand! She is still set on naming him boy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Ultrasound

I had my 20 week ultrasound on Valentines Day. We were able to get a 3D picture of him. He was being a little camera shy at first by staying in a little ball and putting his hands over his face. We were able to shake him up a little bit so we could get a few good shots! This week he weighed 11 oz and his heartbeat was 153 bpm. Everything looked great!
His little feet!

20 weeks - Halfway!

Wow! I can't believe we are halfway there. These past 20 weeks have flown by really fast. We did confirm this week that this little guy is in fact a boy! Whew..cause I've already started shopping! This week we bought him his first falcons shirt, I know Trey is excited to watch the games with him.

We are still thinking about his name, but haven't made any decisions yet.

19 Weeks

19 weeks..I'm still feeling good, but a little tired. It's alot harder being pregnant and keeping up with a 2 year old. I've been feeling the little man move almost everyday, which is exciting. He is always active right after lunch and right before bed. I have such a sweet tooth with him! I want chocolate milk and chocolate milkshakes everyday!!

18 Weeks

This has been such a great pregnancy. I had a little morning sickness in the first few weeks, but for the most part have felt great! This picture is 18 weeks pregnant. I feel like I am smaller than I was with Kinley, but looking back at the pictures that is not the case :)