Saturday, April 30, 2011

30 Weeks

Kinley couldn't sit still long enough for us to take the picture this week!!

No big changes this week. Kinley had Hand, Foot, and Mouth virus this week but she is starting to feel better. Because of this the doctor had to run a blood test on me to make sure I carry the antibodies to fight the virus. He said most adults do carry the antibodies, but we tested just to make sure. We should find out in the next few days the results.

We hired a painter on Friday so the nursery will be cleared out and painted by the end of the week. I was thinking a tan or beige, but after seeing all the paint samples now I'm leaning more towards blue. I did the same thing with Kinley's nursery :) We also picked up his crib and mattress this week, so we have really made some big strides in the last week.

He is still moving all the time and the doctor said everything looked great. I'm measuring perfect and his heart beat sounded strong. My next appointment is May 16th.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

29 Weeks

29 weeks and still feeling pretty good. I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable and getting up and down is a little difficult. He is moving around all the time. We made some progress getting the guest room cleared out and the basement is officially complete! I think we will be able to get his room ready in the next couple of weeks. We are still working on his name..

We are getting excited for Easter and Glenda coming to visit. Kinley can't wait to dye and hunt Easter eggs!

28 week Sono

My 28 week sonogram went great. He weighs 2.6 lbs and his heart rate was 132 bpm. My plecenta has moved so that is no longer a concern, and we won't have to schedule a C-section at this point. If there are no other issues that will be the last time we get to see him until his arrival!

Monday, April 11, 2011

28 Weeks

This week I have a doctors appointment on Thursday to find out if my placenta has moved. I pray that it has so I won't have to have a C-section. I am excited to see the little guy again! Now if we could just figure out what to name him!!

Our drop ceiling is done now so we can start moving the guest room downstairs. Hopefully I can start clearing out the room this weekend so we can get his nursery together. Hardy picked up his bedding for me last week while we were gone. It's perfect! I know he's gonna love it.

27 Weeks

This week we went to visit trey's dad and phyllis in Ocala. We had a great time! Kinley had fun playing in the river and riding in the golf cart. We got to eat some awesome seafood. Kinley tried crab for the first time and loved it! We visited Homsassa state park and Seaworld while we were down there. Kinley liked the Hippo at Homsassa and the Walrus and Whales at Seaworld. It was a nice break from our busy schedule and a very relaxing week.